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C. Research, Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Directions: Each item below presents a situation where you will have to analyze the correct answer from the choices given. This test exercise trains your ability to recall basic principles which have been learned before.

1.                 The test results revealed that a great majority of the students failed. What is the best action that an effective teacher should take to insure that learning will take place?
a.     Reteach the items that are heavily missed
b.     Analyze the difficulty, then test again
c.      Give more difficult test
d.     Scold the pupils

2.                 When the aim is to determine where the strengths and weaknesses of the students lie before teaching of a new lesson id done, what test is given.
a.     Unit
b.     Achievement
c.      Diagnostic
d.     Summative

3.                 In any kind of educational endeavor, these three interdependent processes are involved.
a.     Evaluation, application, learning
b.     Teaching, learning, evaluation of results
c.      Testing, recording, reteaching
d.     Application, evaluation, recall

4.                 It is a chart prepared to determine the goals, the content and the number of items to be included in the test.
a.     Test chart
b.     Test book
c.      Table of specifications
d.     Skewed chart

5.                 The entire processes involved in conducting any scientific study include these sequential steps,
a.     Know the problem, gather and analyze data, then make conclusion
b.     Analyze, gather and collect data
c.      Gather data, analyze the problem, then conclude
d.     Give description, make a calculated guess, then conclude.

6.                 Mr. Arellano, being a conscientious teacher initially feels that many of his students dislike him, hence, they fail his course. To verify his bunch, he will conduct what study?
a.     Descriptive study of student behavior
b.     Historical study
c.      Achievement test
d.     Self-analysis

7.                 Desiring to find out which among the schools she supervises achieve or underachieve the yearly target goals, Dr. Anacleto will use what measure.
a.     Measure of dispersion
b.     Measure of central tendency
c.      Measure of popularity
d.     Self-analysis

8.                 A test of intelligence based on the actual measurement of what the individual can actually do of a certain task under time pressure.
a.     Performance test
b.     Aptitude test
c.      Skill test
d.     None of these

9.                 A test given do determine specific aspect of achievement made on certain skills to provide the needed remedial help to the learned.
a.     Daily test
b.     Achievement test
c.      Diagnostic test
d.     None of these

10.            A test given to get a representative sampling of the general area of accomplishment made on certain field of learning taught and learned.
a.     Survey test
b.     Diagnostic
c.      Aptitude test
d.     None of these

11.            A personal feeling, either positive or negative towards an object, a person or an institution.
a.     Attitude
b.     Aptitude
c.      Opinion
d.     None of these

12.            Known as one’s preparedness for learn of a certain task brought about by the influences of heredity and environment.
a.     Characteristics
b.     Aptitude
c.      Interest
d.     None of these

13.            The process of identifying educational goals and the extent to which these objectives have been realized or met.
a.     Examination
b.     Evaluation
c.      Planning none of these

14.            The degree to which the test scores in a class spread.
a.     Discrimination
b.     Interval
c.      Dispersion
d.     None of these

15.            The item in a multiple-choice type of test which serves as a “joker”.
a.     Obstractor
b.     Distractor
c.      Error
d.     None of these

16.            A type of scores arrangement in a class which includes all possible score values from highest to lowest with the list of learner’s names included.
a.     Frequency table
b.     Frequency distribution
c.      Grade norms
d.     None of these

17.            A special liking or inclination for a particular type of undertaking.
a.     Interest
b.     goal
c.      Attitude
d.     None of these

18.            The score value which separates the upper half of a group from that of the lower half.
a.     Mean
b.     Median
c.      Mode
d.     None of these

19.            The score value which occurs most frequently in a given set of scores.
a.     Median
b.     Mean
c.      Mode
d.     None of these

20.            Synonymous to median, this term refers to the common average of a set of scores.
a.     Arithmetic
b.     Score
c.      Class interval
d.     None of these

21.            A system of grouping closely-related score values into a single category which is often used in tallying scores for a class.
a.     Criterion
b.     Class interval
c.      Converted score
d.     None of these

22.            A statistical index which represents the relationship between two varying measures which occurs within a class.
a.     Cross-validation
b.     Correlation coefficient
c.      Ceiling
d.     None of these

23.            The difference between the highest and the lowest score in a given set of scores.
a.     Quartile
b.     Range
c.      Profile
d.     None of these

24.            Scores tendency to group at one end and spread out at the opposite end of a given distribution.
a.     Skewness
b.     Unevenness
c.      Unreliability
d.     None of these

25.            When a test succeeds in determining accurately the particular attribute of a person who is tested, it is said to be
a.     Reliable
b.     Valid
c.      Variable
d.     None of these

26.            The standard used to interpret test scores
a.     Norm
b.     Percentile
c.      Mode
d.     None of these

27.            An index of a person’s intelligence in relation to others of his own age group.
a.     Intelligence quotient
b.     Grade norm
c.      Personality
d.     None of these

28.            Test on reading readiness examples of a group of tests.
a.     Prognostic test
b.     Cognitive test
c.      Vocabulary test
d.     None of these

29.            A rational treatment of raw scores arranged in numerical order or grouped in intervals to get information about how an individual of a group compares with the total population.
a.     Norm
b.     Frequency distribution
c.      Equalization of scores
d.     None of these

30.            Which of the following is not a god way of preparing essay questions?
a.     Give directions short and clear
b.     Vary the difficulty of the questions to be given
c.      Value of each questions should not be given
d.     Give the test under time pressure

31.            Which of the following is an important duty of a teacher?
a.     Evaluating pupils progress
b.     Soliciting contributions
c.      Safekeeping of the properties of the school
d.     Gong on a vacation.

32.            Which of the following is not to be considered in preparing items for objectives tests?
a.     Make each test item comprehensive
b.     Group items belonging to the same type together
c.      Provide specific directions on how the test is to be taken
d.     Very difficult test items

33.            To promote better student learning, which of these should be practiced on testing?
a.     Check the papers long after the test has been given
b.     Check and return corrected papers to the students as soon as possible to appraise them of their performances.
c.      Pile test papers in the stockroom
d.     Use test to get even with the students.

34.            In scoring essay test, which of the following is not good practice?
a.     Decide what qualities are to be considered in scoring the answers
b.     Write comments and correct errors on the answers
c.      Rearrange the papers after checking one questions before starting to check the next
d.     Accept all answers written by the testees

35.            Which type of the objectives test is best for evaluating mastery of facts and information?
a.     Multiple-response
b.     True-false
c.      Completing type
d.     Essay

36.            In making test items of objective tye, which of the following should be observed?
a.     No clues to the correct response should be given intentionally
b.     Each test item should be related to the next item
c.      The vocabulary level of the test should present some form of difficulty
d.     Test items should include also the irrelevant part of the lesson

37.            Which of the following is not good characteristics of an evaluative technique?
a.     Has clear goals
b.     Utilizes various forms of testing
c.      Considers the nature of the learners
d.     Has ambiguous presentation

38.            Which of the following is not an objective type of teacher-made test?
a.     Matching type
b.     Multiple-response
c.      Completion type
d.     Essay test

39.            Which of the following is not criterion in determining the effectiveness of a test?
a.     Validity
b.     Cost of test
c.      Reliability
d.     Items based on factor analysis

40.            Which of the following is not purpose of evaluation?
a.     Provide educational guidance
b.     Appraise the total school program
c.      Provide for the individual differences
d.     None of these

41.            What is one characteristics of a good evaluation program?
a.     Should be a culminating program of activities
b.     Should be continuous
c.      It is attesting plan
d.     None of these

42.            What type of reliability coefficient is obtained when the same test is given twice to the same testee?
a.     Coefficient of equivalent
b.     Coefficient of stability
c.      Coefficient of correlation
d.     None of these

43.            Which is a measure of the degree of relationship between two sets of measures either for the same individuals or paired individual groups?
a.     Coefficient of correlation
b.     Coefficient of equivalent
c.      Coefficient of stability
d.     Coefficient of variancy

44.            What is the ration between mental age to chronological age?
a.     Educational equivalent
b.     Equivalent form
c.      Intelligence quotient
d.     None of these

45.            What is the process of calculating values of a variable beyond the range of available data?
a.     Face validity
b.     Extrapolation
c.      Deviation
d.     None of these

46.            What test includes items which measures variety of mental operations combined into a single sequence from which only a single score is taken?
a.     Objective test
b.     Omnibus
c.      Percentile
d.     None of these

47.            What is a measure of an individual’s intelligence which considers both his score in an intelligence test and his chronological age?
a.     Intelligence quotient
b.     Inventory
c.      Individual test of intelligence
d.     Mental age

48.            What diagram is used to determine the social interactions among individuals in a group?
a.     Scatter diagram
b.     Sociogram
c.      Norm
d.     Parallelogram

49.            What test is made after certain norms have been established?
a.     Standardized test
b.     Speed test
c.      Norm
d.     None of these

50.            What type of score is obtained when a highly reliable measuring instrument is used?
a.     T-score
b.     True score
c.      Z-score
d.     N-score

51.            The kind of statistics that is used to describe a big number of data on hand. These data usually include numerals, decimals, fraction, and percentages.
a.     Descriptive statistics
b.     Inferential statistics
c.      Simple statistics
d.     Survey statistics

52.            A test where the results are obtained from a large group. The evaluation is based on certain norm or standard set, hence, the norm becomes the basis of the test evaluation.
a.     Criterion-referenced test
b.     Norm-referenced test
c.      Summative test
d.     Formative test

53.            The test results in this type of test are compared with an absolute standard. They indicate whether or not a student needs more or less help on certain skills.
a.     Criterion-reference test
b.     Norm-referenced test
c.      Formative test
d.     Summative test

54.            This evaluation device includes an analysis of all the scores in a given distribution. It is commonly used to estimate the test validity.
a.     Statistics
b.     Variables
c.      Standard deviation
d.     Quartile deviation
55.            The information shown by these data, includes the highest, middle, and lowest scores, even the missing scores in a tabulated data presentation.
a.     Frequency data
b.     Gathered data
c.      Concluded data
d.     Surveyed data

C. Research, Measurement and Evaluation in Education
1.                 A
2.                 C
3.                 B
4.                 C
5.                 A
6.                 A
7.                 B
8.                 A
9.                 C
10.            A
11.            A
12.            B
13.            B
14.            C
15.            B
16.            B
17.            A
18.            B
19.            C
20.            A
21.            B
22.            B
23.            C
24.            A
25.            B
26.            A
27.            A
28.            A
29.            A
30.            C
31.            A
32.            D
33.            B
34.            D
35.            C
36.            A
37.            D
38.            D
39.            B
40.            D
41.            B
42.            B
43.            A
44.            C
45.            B
46.            B
47.            B
48.            B
49.            A
50.            A
51.            A
52.            B
53.            A
54.            C
55.            A


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