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Direction: Here are groups of sentences you are to read carefully. Determine the proper arrangement of the sentences to make out a paragraph which conveys complete thought. Capital letters before each sentence will guide you in working on the exercises. Answers are found after the last exercise.

A.    Then, I came to realize that by quitting it would seem like starting something and not finishing it.
B.     When I quit my job, I had mixed emotions.
C.     It is not that easy just to give up something.
D.    But I came to realize that some things are more important than pride.
E.     At first, I’m glad that all those hardships connected with my work were finally over.
1)                ____ The last statement should be;
2)                ____ The first statement should be;
3)                ____ After the third statement should come;
4)                ____ The second statement should be;
5)                ____ Before the fourth statement should come.

A.    His service is too weak and his backhand needs to work.
B.     John thinks it’s that easy to play tennis.
C.     He has been playing for 7 years now and he still has to improve on some aspects of the game.
D.    If only John would improve his game more than bragging about how he thinks it’s easy to play tennis.
E.     He can’t win any tournament because of this drawbacks.
1)                ____ The first statement should be;
2)                ____ The fourth statement should be;
3)                ____ The third statement should be;
4)                ____ The fifth statement should be;
5)                ____ The second statement should be.

A.    They fail to realize that is when they are hurt do they become stronger.
B.     Of course, their intentions are primarily just to prevent them from being hurt.
C.     Overprotective parents deprive their children of the chance to see harsh realities of the worlds they would eventually face.
D.    Parents should realize that their children need space to grow in all aspects.
E.     There are some things which have to be learned rather than taught..
1)                ____ The first statement should be;
2)                ____ The third statement should be;
3)                ____ The second statement should be;
4)                ____ The last statement should be;
5)                ____ The fourth statement should be;

A.    But, many people do not know that not all painkillers alleviate pain.
B.     Patients consult their doctors, expecting to be treated with some kind of medicine.
C.     Most patients thought they were short-changed if the doctors inform them they suffer from psychogenic.
D.    Many of these patients get angry if the doctor tells them nothing is wrong with them expect momentary pain.
E.     Most painkilling drugs are prescribed to kill pains.
1)                ____ The second statement should be;
2)                ____ The fourth statement should be;
3)                ____ The third to the last statement should be;
4)                ____ The last statement should be;
5)                ____ The first statement should be;

A.       It makes the one who receives it happy and welcome.
B.        It spreads gladness everywhere.
C.        A spontaneous smile happens quickly, yet its effect is lasting.
D.       Everyone needs to be smiled at, yet many find the act too much to give.
E.        When a person smiles, he gives much and gets nothing’.
1)                ____ The last statement should be;
2)                ____ The second statement to the last should be;
3)                ____ The third statement should be;
4)                ____ The first statement should be;
5)                ____ The second statement should be;

Note: This portion of the Reviewer includes exercises on Foundation Courses such as Anthropology, Gen. Psychology, Philosophy and Sociology.

A.       By trying, man learns to solve his problems thru satisfying acts and         eliminates action which are annoying.
B.        He used a hungry cat in a puzzled box where it tried ways to get out             in order to get the food.
C.        Eduard C. Thorndike’s connectionism theory of learning establishes         the trial and error way to learn.
D.       He established the fact that like the cat, man, too, learned by trial         and error.
E.        Thorndike’s animal studies came up with the law of exercise and the law of effect.
1)    ACBDE
2)    BACDE
3)    EACDB
4)    ABCDE

A.       Before, his religion was basically involved with rituals and         ceremonies.
B.        The religion of the teacher helps him in reducing his fears and         uncertainty.
C.        His religion responds to his need for a means to allay his fears         about the uncertainty of events contrary to the natural law.
D.       Religion is important because it provides spiritual nourishment for         his total being.
1)    ABCD
2)    BACD
3)    DBCA
4)    CBAD

A.       The type of non-formal education to offer depends on what clientele to serve and the locality where they live.
B.        The clientele targets of non-formal education are the adults without formal education but who are still productive, the school-age youth, dropped-outs, and those without access to formal schooling.
C.        First, second and third categorizing will be planned.
D.       Regional strategies for the development of target clientele are a must.
1)    CBAD
2)    BADC
3)    BACD
4)    CABD

A.       Many innovations without proven results and follow up evaluation         are educational wastages.
B.        One wonders in the final analysis if these changes have been deeply         rooted on the basic problems of the people they serve.
C.        Some curricular changes are mere fads without foreseeable         achievements.
D.       What is needed are innovations that overcome the miseducation of         the young.
1)    BACD
2)    ACDB
3)    ABCD
4)    CBAD

A.       A responsive educational system should be directed towards         regional cooperation.
B.        Commonality of educational objectives should be replaced by         better ways of achieving goal that fit the regional needs.
C.        It is necessary to revolutionize the contemporary methodologies in         the teaching-learning process.
D.       The educational goals should seek for a better way of experimentation in teaching strategies and technologies.
1)    ABCD
2)    ABDC
3)    BCAD
4)    DABC

A.       Education is a vital instrument of change.
B.        It is hope that before the end of the present century, language         spoken is better understood and appreciated.
C.        This means the strengthening of a nation through a common         language spoken by the people.
D.       The bilingual policy is a necessary force for the unity of the         Filipinos.
1)    ABCD
2)    CDBA
3)    DBCA
4)    BACD

A.       To the young, it means new, easy and relevant.
B.        Against all odds, quality of education should mean prioritizing the         needs of the system.
C.        Consequently, to them, what is old and difficult to learn is not         worth striving for.
D.       Quality education means education that is useful, utilizable and         profitable.
1)    CADB
2)    DACB
3)    DBCA
4)    BDCA

A.       Although the government is willing to put resources to education, alone, it cannot do the job.
B.        Education Act of 1980 provides an all-encompassing activity with participation at all education levels and sectors.
C.        The private schools gave to be partners.
D.       The Act not only strengthens but equips DECS with its regulatory and development tasks as well.
1)    BACD
2)    ABCD
3)    DBCA
4)    CADB

A.       Academic freedom ensures independence and self-direction among         scholars and institution.
B.        We need not debate on its importance for the protection and         existence of a healthy academic,
C.        Education Act of 1980 recognizes this fact.
D.       The academic needs academic freedom for its healthful existence.
1)    BDCA
2)    ABDC
3)    CADB
4)    DBCA

A.       The experience of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) serves         as a model for government successful program.
B.        The American and the Taiwanese have already established business         in the area.
C.        The American pull-out operations from Subic is a blessing in         disguise.
D.       The government pins its hopes on volunteerism of Subic people.
1)    DCBA
2)    DACB
3)    BCDA
4)    ABCD

1.                 A         B          D         C          E
2.                 B          D         A         E          C
3.                 C          E          D         A         B
4.                 A         D         B          C          E
5.                 D         B          C          E          A
6.                 1)
7.                 2)
8.                 3)
9.                 2)
10.            2)
11.            3)
12.            2)
13.            2)
14.            4)
15.            1)


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