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English: Some Useful Tips in Writing and Speaking effectively
Direction: Observe how each exercise below is made effective through the use of phrases and clauses instead of verbose sentences.
1.                 Be economical in the Use of Expressions.
1)    Minda Santos, who’s a doctor, got a job abroad.
Improved: Dr. Minda Santos got a job abroad.
2)    A service that is punctual is desirable.
Improved: Punctual service is desirable
3)    Being shot by a stray bullet, the vendor fell down on the pavement.
Improved: The vendor fell down on the pavement, wounded.

2.                 Avoid being repetitious
1)    Let us repeat again the answer.
Let us repeat the again
2)    In this modern world today computer is in.
Computer is in today.
3)    Please return back the book after use.
Please return the book after use.

3.                 Use correct coordinating or subordinating conjunctions.
A.    For equal or coordinate relationship, use: and, or, but, for, or nor etc.: for subordinating relationship: unless, although, while, because, if, since, etc.
1)                They will come and attend the meeting.
2)                Noel passed the test but Carlos didn’t even try.
3)                The President will be her, unless he has gotten sick.
4)                They make hay while the sun shines.
5)                We continue to work until told to stop.


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