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Miscellaneous Exercises on Various Fields of Specialization II
A. On Sports, P.E., Music and Health Education and Home Economics and Technology, etc.
Direction: Choose the correct answer.
1.                 Physical activities for the blind can include
a.     Track and Field
b.     Tumbling, stunts and other activities within certain limitations
c.      Basketball
d.     Golf

2.                 It is extended to make up for the harm done to someone.
a.     Collusion
b.     Reward
c.      Compensation
d.     Award

3.                 A person needs one of the following essentials for survival. Which is this?
a.     13.6 kg C02, 1.9 kg. of H20 and 1.3 kg of food
b.     1.9 kg. of H20, 13.6 kg nutrients and 1.9 kg of gas
c.      1.10 kg gas, 6.9 kg of food and 2.1 kg of C02
d.     1.3 kg C02, 13.6 kg of H20 and 15.0 kg of salt

4.                 Which laws helps to reduce air pollution?
a.     R.A. 7910
b.     Clean Air Act
c.      Save the Country Act
d.     The Impeachment Law

5.                 Brine is used in food preservation. How many is the amount of brine measure?
a.     Thermometer
b.     Sphygmomanometer
c.      Stethoscope
d.     Barometer

6.                 In soil fertilization, nitrogen is changed into nitrate by:
a.     Rhizobia
b.     Flooding Crop Rotation
c.      Save the Country Act
d.     The Impeachment Law

7.                 Combining blue and red in equal amount produces what secondary color?
a.     Orange
b.     Violet
c.      Fuchsia
d.     Green

8.                 It is a business plan that indicates the following: the objectives, the capital and people involved, the provisions in accordance with the laws and such other matter that will indicate the profitability.
a.     Capitalization plan
b.     Survey plan
c.      Problem Analysis
d.     Feasibility or Project Study

9.                 Tanning is a process of preparing an animal hide for commercial use as in the production of:
a.     Yarn
b.     Leather
c.      Cowhide
d.     None of the above

10.            It is considered the best metal for jewelry.
a.     Gold
b.     Platinum
c.      Silver
d.     Lead

11.            All types of power generated by electric power produce direct current and else?
a.     Alternating current
b.     Water current
c.      Nuclear power
d.     Steam engine

12.            Such home appliances like air conditioner and refrigerator are:
a.     Hydro-operated
b.     Compression operated
c.      Mechanically-powered
d.     Manual-operated

13.            It is a polygon with 10 sides
a.     Nonagon
b.     Decagon
c.      Pentagon
d.     Hexagon

14.            It is the part of sub-atomic particles which reduces the noise from the motor.
a.     Exhaust
b.     Fanbelt
c.      Muffler
d.     Tail pipe

15.            The presence of sub-atomic particles are the same common elements found in:
a.     Neutrons
b.     Atoms
c.      Protons
d.     Electrons

16.            It is the mineral which makes the bones strong:
a.     Phosphorous
b.     Iron
c.      Calcium
d.     Vitamin C

17.            It is where the biggest telephone switchboard in the world is found:
a.     The Pentagon
b.     The White House
c.      The Kremlin
d.     The United Nations Building

18.            When fish are caged in small ponds, what is required to maintain the place for fish?
a.     Flowing water
b.     Fertilizer
c.      Free air
d.     Lots of algae

19.            The number which can be used by all Roman number:
a.     2,444
b.     1,666
c.      1,377
d.     2,666

20.            Cut flowers serve as a hobby and a lucrative livelihood. Immediately after harvesting lower’s freshness can be maintained through the use of:
a.     Aspirin
b.     Sand
c.      Fertilizer
d.     Peduncle
21.            The first law signed by President Macapagal-Arroyo:
a.     R.A. 8485
b.     R.A. 8127
c.      R.A. 3149
d.     R.A. 9003 (waste management segregation program)

22.            It is the Clean Air Act. It is an environmental milestone that requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and bans the use of incinerator.
a.     R.A. 8749
b.     P.D. 4988
c.      R.A. 4201
d.     R.A. 1199

23.            It is the law for social reform and poverty alleviation:
a.     R.A. 8425
b.     P.D. No. 1999
c.      R.A. 4201
d.     R.A. 1199

24.            Subpoena ad testificandum means:
a.     Witness agree
b.     Witness as summoned to appear in court
c.      Voluntary appearance before the court
d.     Inadmissible adverse

25.            The expression subpoena factum probandum means:
a.     Proven fact
b.     Personal appearance
c.      Evidences presented
d.     Inadmissible evidence

26.            A prima facie evidence means:
a.     On the face of presented facts
b.     Secured proof
c.      To be faced with
d.     Hotshot evidence

27.            It is the electronic commerce between individual consumer:
a.     B2B (Business to Business)
b.     C2C (Consumer to consumer)
c.      Email
d.     IT (Information Technology)

28.            Result brought about by rapid globalization:
a.     Borderless trade
b.     Rapid development of information and communication technology
c.      New threats to human security in both poor and rich countries
d.     Economic gap between rich and poor countries becoming wider

29.            Subpoena duces tecum means:
a.     Documentary evidence
b.     Evidence to appear in court
c.      Personal evidence
d.     In defense

30.            It is the enumeration of the rights of the individual and puts a limit on the state’s power.
a.     State policies
b.     Magna Carta
c.      Constitution
d.     Bill of Rights

Miscellaneous Exercises on Various Fields of Specialization II

1.                 B
2.                 C
3.                 B
4.                 B
5.                 D
6.                 A
7.                 B
8.                 D
9.                 B
10.            B
11.            A
12.            B
13.            B
14.            C
15.            B
16.            C
17.            A
18.            A
19.            D
20.            A
21.            D
22.            A
23.            A
24.            B
25.            A
26.            A
27.            B
28.            A
29.            A
30.            D


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