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Science Proficiency (Natural Science included)

Science Proficiency (Natural Science included)
Direction: select the best answers from the choices given.
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1.                 When infusion is done with the leaves of this tree, the resulting product is an effective cure for cough, asthma and lung diseases.
a.     Mango
b.     Katuray
c.      Guava
d.     Alugbati

2.                 It is the space between the sun and the planets in the Solar System.
a.     Molecular space
b.     Interplanetary space
c.      Solar space
d.     The solar ring

3.                 It is an herbal cure for burns
a.     Oregano leaves
b.     Papaya leaves
c.      Sili
d.     Bird

4.                 Which is not considered a mammal?
a.     Bat
b.     Carabao
c.      Humans
d.     Bird

5.                 An herbal cure for scabbies
a.     Juice of malunggay leaves
b.     Juice from papaya leaves
c.      Achuete extract
d.     Ginger

6.                 Tsaang gubat is good as
a.     Cure for diarrhea
b.     Cure for constipation
c.      mouthwash
d.     ginger

7.                 To prevent rusting, iron is coated with
a.     Sodium
b.     Cryolite
c.      Zinc
d.     Chlorine

8.                 The sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism, which can -           result to either a wholesome or unwholesome by-product; an example is             a macapano found in a bunch of coconuts
a.     Growth
b.     Mutation
c.      Absorption
d.     Infusion

9.                 He evolved the theory of evolution in his book Origin of Species.
a.     Alfred Wallase
b.     Charles de Gaulle
c.      Charles Robert Darwin
d.     A.I. Oparin

10.            The relationship of give-and-take of living organism in the biosphere is a balance of nature called
a.     Universal relationship
b.     Cult-throat competition
c.      Synthetic relationship
d.     Symbiotic relationship

11.            One of the following theories does not refer to life’s theory. Which one is             this?
a.     Spontaneous generation
b.     Abiogenetic synthesis
c.      Biochemeical
d.     Creation

12.            It is a kind of terrestrial habitat where plenty of lights passes through.                         Which of the following will readily adapt to this place?
a.     Fern
b.     Moss
c.      Camote
d.     Algae

13.            Which parts of the tropical sea are formed by the accumulated remains of marine animals?
a.     Beach shells
b.     Coral reefs
c.      Fishes
d.     Seaweeds

14.            A cure for sore throat and cough.
a.     Extract from makahiya leaves
b.     Pounded garlic with honey
c.      Pito-pito
d.     Aloe vera

15.            Which of the following is called segmented worm because its body is made of many similar segments?
a.     Ring worm
b.     Hookworm
c.      Earthworm
d.     Seaworms

16.            Water comes out of the force pump during
a.     Downstroke
b.     Sidestroke
c.      Upstroke and downstroke
d.     Upstroke

17.            Incandescent lamp is filled with inert gas
a.     To scatter light
b.     Lengthen the life of filament
c.      Conserve electricity
d.     Protect the bulb

18.            Excess odor in water is removed through
a.     Redimentation
b.     Aeration
c.      Distillation
d.     Filtration

19.            Choose the correct statement in the following:
a.     As altitude increases, atmospheric pressures correspondingly decreases
b.     Throughout the available space, gas tends to contract
c.      A magnet has a pole
d.     Equal chances are always given to all in life

20.            A shadow is formed when
a.     A light intercepts with other
b.     An opaque object intercepts a radiant energy situated in a specific direction
c.      Light rays are blocked
d.     Color objects is projected against a wall.

21.            One earth movement around the sun takes a year. What is the earth             movement called?
a.     Rotation
b.     Revolution
c.      Escalation
d.     Revolvement

22.            The earth rotates from west to east in its axis. This causes what movement of the sun?
a.     It causes the sun to rise from the east and sets in the west.
b.     It causes one evolution.
c.      It results in an eclipse.
d.     It causes ice melting.

23.            If the earth takes approximately 365 days a year, how long will it take the             earth to rotate in two years?
a.     368 days
b.     5 years
c.      730 days more or less
d.     672 days

24.            One of these planets has the greatest gravitational pull. Which one is it?
a.     Mars
b.     Mercury
c.      Earth
d.     Jupiter

25.            The redness of this planet is caused by the dust and oxidation of its rocks.             What planet is this?
a.     Mars
b.     Saturn
c.      Jupiter
d.     Mercury

26.            When tiny particles of rocks shoot across the sky, we see
a.     Comet
b.     Meteors or shooting stars
c.      Eclipse
d.     Cloud dust

27.            This animal is considered the fastest animal. Over short distances, it can cover 70 miles per hour. Which animal is this?
a.     Tiger
b.     Cheetah
c.      Lion
d.     Gazelle

28.            It is only structure on earth that can be seen form the moon.
a.     The Rice Terraces
b.     The Wailing Wall
c.      The Great Wall of China
d.     The Pyramids of Egypt

29.            It is the part of the atmosphere which filters the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
a.     The lithosphere
b.     The stratosphere
c.      The ozone layer
d.     Hurricanes

30.            When the heat rays are caught/trapped in the earth’s atmosphere, what             is the conditional called?
a.     The Greenhouse effect
b.     The Northern lights
c.      Tornadoes
d.     Hurricanes

31.            It is the best type of soil for the plants to grow well specially in temperate             regions.
a.     Sandy soil
b.     Humus and sandy
c.      Sandy and pebbles
d.     Muddy

32.            The unsuccessful transplantation of human organs is caused by
a.     Antibodies produced by the recipient and tis resulting negative effect.
b.     Lack of enough blood plasma
c.      Unfavorable reaction of the bloody hormones
d.     Same type of compatibility in body chemistry

33.            Some types of plants can eradicate the presence of pollution due to their sensibility to airborne chemicals. What plants are these?
a.     Aerial plants like orchids
b.     Lichens
c.      Algae
d.     Grass

34.            What environmental problem is caused by materials used in packaging of             products which are non-biodegradable?
a.     Industrial pollution
b.     Zero-waste management
c.      Non-biodegradable waste pollution
d.     Food wastage

35.            These are small hair-like intestinal structure which aids in the fast             digestion of food.
a.     Villi
b.     Cilia
c.      Gastric lining
d.     Capillary

36.            Protein, a substance found in meat, fish and dairy products is digested in             the stomach. The digestion is aided by?
a.     Amino acids
b.     Papase
c.      Enzymes called renin and pepsin
d.     Peptin

37.            Which part of the blood carries oxygen to the different parts of the body?
a.     White blood corpuscles
b.     Hemoglobin
c.      Plasma
d.     Blood cells

38.            It is the law explains why one can pull a piece of paper without toppling a             glass in quick motion.
a.     Energy in motion
b.     Law of inertia
c.      Law of mobility
d.     Gravitational pull

39.            Which is NOT a source of energy?
a.     Water
b.     Geothermal heat
c.      Sun
d.     Inertia at rest

40.            When one coverts mechanical to electrical energy, which instrument will             one use?
a.     Electric bulb
b.     Pump
c.      Generator
d.     Wheel

41.            What does CD-ROM stand for?
a.     Compact disc recording mode
b.     Compact disc read only memory
c.      Computer directed recording modem
d.     None of the above

42.            It is formed by lines of latitudes and longitudes which enable navigators to know where exactly in the world they are.
a.     Global rid
b.     Map
c.      Prime meridian
d.     Globe

43.            What is the name for links between related items of information?
a.     Information grid
b.     Map
c.      Prime meridian
d.     Globe

44.            The normal lifespan of a red blood cell
a.     60 days
b.     45 days
c.      24 hours
d.     100 days

45.            The scientific name for application of energy.
a.     Kinetics
b.     Power
c.      Work
d.     Simulation

46.            How are distances in the universe measured?
a.     Location of a star
b.     Light year
c.      Age of a star
d.     Distance from the sun

47.            Sun’s energy is generated by?
a.     Nuclear fission
b.     Nuclear fusion reactions in which hydrogen is changed to helium
c.      Sun’s elements react with space
d.     Sun’s reaction with spatial gravity

48.            Part of tropical seas formed by the accumulation of the remains of marine           animals.
a.     Sediments
b.     Bottom rocks
c.      Coral reefs
d.     Islands

49.            The particles and rays that result from the disintegration of the atom of a             radioactive material.
a.     Nuclear fission
b.     Neutron
c.      Gamma rays
d.     Radiation

50.            RADAR uses waves to detect the position of moving objects, navigation and direction, weather forecasting and astronomy. RADAR stand for.
a.     Regulated and Directed Emission of radiation
b.     Radio Detection and Ranging
c.      Radiation Detection and ranging
d.     Radio Waves Detection and Radiation

Science Proficiency (Natural Science included)
1.                 A
2.                 B
3.                 A
4.                 D
5.                 A
6.                 C
7.                 C
8.                 B
9.                 C
10.            D
11.            C
12.            A
13.            B
14.            B
15.            C
16.            C
17.            B
18.            B
19.            A
20.            B
21.            B
22.            A
23.            C
24.            D
25.            A
26.            B
27.            B
28.            C
29.            C
30.            A
31.            B
32.            A
33.            B
34.            C
35.            A
36.            C
37.            B
38.            B
39.            D
40.            C
41.            B
42.            A
43.            D
44.            D
45.            C
46.            B
47.            B
48.            C
49.            D
50.            B


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