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ENGLISH: Grammar and Correct Usage
Identifying Errors
A. Examine each of the following sentences. Determine which part of the sentence contains an error in grammar punctuation, capitalization, etc. Indicate the letter of the part which contains the error on the space provided for. If no part contains an error, simply write correct. Answers are found after the last exercise.
Example 1 - Discussion procedure become enjoyable to a student when they
                                    A                                                                     B
react, analyze, compare and evaluate the topic being discussed.
                                                            C                                              D
Ans: B becomes
Begin here:
1.                 Workshop is a technique in group dynamics generally used in group
                        A                                 B                                                          C
planning inspite of the many objections to its use.
2.                 A number of suggestions are given to improve the ways of involving the
                                    A                                                                     B
youth to participate in community services.
3.                 The value of method of teaching lies in the way they help the learners to
                                                A                                 B                                  C                                 
observe and analyze cases on their own.
4.                 One of the objection to the deductive thinking is that it allows guessing in
                                    A                                 B                                              C                                 
the individual learner.
5.                 Exercises in problem solving not only develop correct thought habits but
                                    A                                                                     B
also enable the person to met the exigencies in life.
                        C                                              D
6.                 A good environment for class recitation is cooperation and preparation of
                                    A                                                                                             B
student and mastery of the subject matter by the teacher.
                                                C                                              D
7.                 The number of eligible in the government service, do not equal the number
                                    A                                             B                                  C                     
of vacancies available for them.
8.                 Cooperative or group assignment, although not always used in the
                                                A                                                                     B
classrooms, encourage students to think and work for themselves besides helping
them organize their material.
9.                 Multi-sensory aids to learning clarify important concepts to the students
                                    A                                                                     B
and makes learning more lasting to them.
            C                                  D
10.            Programmed instruction clearly define objective in terms of student
                                    A                                             B                                              C
behavior and presents the materials to be learned in organized and logical
11.            The researchers made by Peterson and Stephens revealed that knowledge
                                                A                                                                                             B
of results of test should be made immediately to the students for more
                                                                        C                                                          D
12.            Discipline is an aspect of management which, if considered a group process
                                    A                                                                                 B
 are result in self-direction in the individual.
            C                                  D
13.            Even in the elementary schools,  it is never too early to discussed moral
                                    A                                             B                                  C                      D
14.            Physical growth is related to socio-cultural development as this relate to
                                    A                                             B                                              C
the total personality pattern of an individual.
15.            One of the most fascinating study on people deals on personality
                                    A                                             B                                  C
assessment patterns and behavior.

ENGLISH: Grammar and Correct Usage
Identifying Errors
1.     D – in spite
2.     B – is (are)
3.     C – it (they)
4.     A – objections
5.     C- meet (met)
6.     D – of (by)
7.     C – does (do)
8.     C – (encourages)
9.     C – make (makes)
10.                         B – defines
11.                         A – Peterson and Stephen
12.                         C – is (are)
13.                         C – discuss
14.                         C – relates
15.                         A – studies


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