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Miscellaneous Exercises on Various Fields of specialization
Direction: Select the best answers:
1.                 Four partners can finish a job for 4 hrs. How long will it take 8 partners to finish the same job
a.     Two hours
b.     Four hours
c.      Six hours
d.     One hour

2.                 A class of 100 students was composed of 60 males, 75% of these majored in Science while 25% majored in English. What part of the class did not major in English?
a.     ½
b.     2/3
c.      3/6
d.     ¾

3.                 What is the truth regarding the principle that as one goes faster in movement, the slower the time moves?
a.     Tie dilation
b.     Time constraint
c.      Gifts
d.     Putting up more health centers

4.                 Poor living condition causes viral infection to spread uncontrollably. This can be
a.     Giving more lectures to people
b.     An all-out economic upliftment of the people’s lives
c.      Gifts
d.     Putting up more health centers

5.                 Red tide is caused by sea water poison brought about by
a.     Erratic weather condition (heavy rains and dry spell)
b.     Chemical disposal
c.      Spilled oil
d.     Fish kill

6.                 Farmer’s cooperatives are formed with government support. How is the support done?
a.     Banks requirement is waived
b.     Direct loans are interest free
c.      Bank loans are available
d.     All officers are bonded

7.                 Which of the following assistance is given by the government to private schools?
a.     FAPE
b.     Education Service Contracting Scheme
c.      PACU
d.     Private Education Funds

8.                 The fight against use of prohibited drugs can be effective if
a.     Peer influence is lessen
b.     Parent pressure is done
c.      School pressure is practiced’
d.     Use of prohibited drugs are controlled

9.                 Which steps should a teacher do when a parent insists that his child should pass, although the latter deserves to fail?
a.     Conform to the parents wish
b.     Refer the matter to the school head
c.      Meet the parent head on
d.     Show evidences of the child’s should pass, although the latter deserves to fail?

10.            A summative test revealed that Class A pupils got these scores 97, 95, 93 – which process is used by the teacher?
a.     Ranking
b.     Testing
c.      Simple computation
d.     Measurement of scores

11.            He’s the Russian President who resigned six (6) months his term ended. He was described by U.S. President Clinton as someone who guided Russia to the point of democracy.
a.     Boris Yeltsin
b.     Mickhael Gorbachev
c.      Chechnya
d.     Vladimer Putin

12.            Pep action and expressions like “you are doing well”, “nice work” and a pat on the shoulder” support what motivational principle being used?
a.     Positive motivation brings better results
b.     Negative motivation produces negative results
c.      Goals should be set
d.     Appropriate behavior is wholesome

13.            Reciting the alphabet and number sequence especially in preschool, even done without much understanding develops remembering skills later. What mental process does teacher develop in the practice?
a.     Thinking reflectively
b.     Logical sequence
c.      Rote association
d.     Analysis skill

14.            Which of these steps will not develop the idea of evaporation among the learners in a Science Class?
a.     Draw from the class, the sequence of the task at hard
b.     Teach the definition of evaporation, then allow tile class to experiment the concept
c.      Teach both the cause and effects of evaporation at time
d.     Present the proper sequence of the process

15.            As a progressive principal, Mrs. Del Rosario separates Julie, Julio and Julian, an identical triplet in separate classes. What principle of learning does she practice?
a.     Each child is unique and be given a chance to develop his identity
b.     Each child must not depend on each other
c.      Each child must be competitive
d.     Let the triplet progress as they please

16.            Group work facilities learning. It allows each member of the group to respond to the task at hand the way he/she thinks. What is practical here?
a.     Respect for others
b.     Social interaction
c.      Social tolerance
d.     Social respect

17.            For its use in measurement and evaluation specially in testing, this instrument is used for it resembles the distribution of most human traits.
a.     The normal curve of probability
b.     The achievements test
c.      The skewsness of test
d.     He test validity

18.            In an equal number of ranked scores lies the middle score, which is the point above or below it. What is this called?
a.     Mean
b.     Median
c.      Norm
d.     Mode

19.            Described by Sigmund Feud, when a daughter becomes too attached to her father and considers her mother a rival.
a.     Oedipal complex
b.     Electra complex
c.      Achilles heel
d.     Persecution complex

20.            To effect change, which one of the following is not effective?
a.     Regard punishment to produce results
b.     Reinforce good behavior with a reward
c.      Disapprove negative behavior out rightly
d.     Ignore whatever behavior is shown

21.            On May 9, 1999 it was approved by the Senate in spite of the controversial and multi-sectoral opposition
a.     Lenny De Jesus (dragon lady) Chief of Presidential Management Office as appointment
b.     Visiting Forces Agreement
c.      Cha-cha issue
d.     Execution of first Filipino by lethal injection

22.            The City of manila used to be the center for business and education. To restore its glorious past grandeur much effort is now channel to develop it. What is the famous seal of Manila?
a.     Combat
b.     Merlios
c.      The flag
d.     Bayan-Hinirang

23.            Midlife is the transition to another period in life, i.e. from active to start of style of living. Many calls this period embracing the shadow which requires the integration of ones unresolved or unaccomplished past life. Why does midlife appear problematic to most people?
a.     Because of the transitional experiences
b.     Because of unaccomplished ambition
c.      Because of active start of life
d.     Because of life’s integration

24.            Copper is the most commonly used metal ally for electrical wiring. The reason is:
a.     It is a good insulator
b.     It is cheap
c.      It is gold in color
d.     It is a good electrical conductor

25.            Plateau of learning is the period when very little learning takes place in the child. How can this period be reduced?
a.     Through motivation called extrinsic approaches
b.     Through drill
c.      Through the use of varied learning experiences
d.     Through negligence

26.            When a very reliable measuring instrument is used, the type of score id obtained which score is this?
a.     N-score
b.     Wrong score
c.      Z - score
d.     X – score

27.            To obtain the social interaction among the members of the group, ehich of the following is used?
a.     Pie-graph
b.     Paralted gram
c.      Sociogram
d.     Bargraph

28.            To established the strength and weaknesses of her pupils. Mrs. Dimagiba conducts what test?
a.     Diagnostic test
b.     Formative test
c.      summative test
d.     Teacher-made test

29.            The law which provides benefits through early retirements and voluntary separation of employees from government service.
a.     R.A. 6683
b.     R.A. 1978
c.      Adm. Order 3334
d.     Executive Order 9201

30.            It is the law known as the expanded government assistance and voluntary separation of employees from government service.
a.     R.A. 1995
b.     DECS memo no.48
c.      CHED Order 1996
d.     R.A. 8545

Miscellaneous Exercises on Various Fields of specialization
1.                 A
2.                 D
3.                 A
4.                 B
5.                 A
6.                 C
7.                 B
8.                 A
9.                 D
10.            C
11.            A
12.            A
13.            C
14.            C
15.            A
16.            B
17.            A
18.            C
19.            B
20.            A
21.            B
22.            B
23.            A
24.            D
25.            B
26.            A
27.            C
28.            A
29.            A
30.            D


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