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Part II. Professional Education
B. Principles and Methods of Teaching and the Learning Process – Contemporary Principles, New Thrusts and Methods of teaching and the Learning Process
Direction: Test yourself on Contemporary Principles, New thrust and Methods of teaching and the Learning Process.
1.                 The new Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) is actually
a.     Same as ever
b.     Return to the basic program of teaching
c.      New program
d.     Supervisory oriented

2.                 The NESC is oriented to
a.     Research-based changes in the curriculum and program for national development
b.     Cultural enrichment
c.      Stereotype in teaching
d.     American-based educational system

3.                 For the effective implementation of NESC, each region is expected to develop
a.     KKK strategies
b.     Maintain the status quo
c.      Progressive and innovative strategies for the implementation of the curriculum and attainment of objectives.
d.     Follow the program to the letter

4.                 Which one of the following is not a research-based group in education?
a.     PCSPE
b.     SOUTELE
c.      EEP
d.     DBP

5.                 Which is not basic feature of the NESC
a.     More time allotment for EEP
b.     Emphasis on mastery teaching
c.      Competence and value for social teaching development
d.     A scheduled time frame for each subject area

6.                 One of your acquaintances invites you to be a resource person in their             educational program. But the date and time coincides with your teaching             period, what will you do?
a.     The opportunity gives you a sense of fulfillment, so you accept it.
b.     You refuse the invitation
c.      You look for a substitute and ask him to handle your class.
d.     The chance is beneficial but you prefer to teach.

7.                 You see a pupil copying from his notes while you are giving a test. What is             the best thing to do?
a.     Privately admonish the pupil of his wrong behavior.
b.     Scold the pupil right away
c.      Tell the pupil to keep away his notes.
d.     Ignore behavior.

8.                 Which one is a provision on the plan for graduates to be prepared for oversees employment?
a.     Systematic recruitment and regulation for oversees placement
b.     Insurance plan for workers
c.      Skill training of workers on the oversees job
d.     Remittance of salary of overseas employees to the Philippines

9.                 Which of the following will not be given focus in elementary education?
a.     Development of basic skill
b.     Sports
c.      Improved teaching strategies and teachings
d.     Child employment

10.            In the secondary education, which will not be the focus of review?
a.     Course curriculum
b.     Teaching strategies
c.      Status of facilities and equipment
d.     Child employment

11.            Which of the following will assume a more functional community center to get funds from local funding?
a.     Barangay high schools
b.     Elementary schools
c.      Non-formal education center
d.     State colleges

12.            Which will be contracted to accommodate public school enrolment surpluses?
a.     Barangay reading center
b.     Barangay halls
c.      Underutilized facilities of private schools
d.     Campuses of elementary/secondary schools

13.            To help the government for an economical alternative delivery system of education, which will be tapped?
a.     Underused private school facilities
b.     Private companies
c.      Barangay captains
d.     Volunteer workers

14.            Which of the following Filipino traits is not a deterrent factor for             progressive learning?
a.     Hiya
b.     Sensibility
c.      Compadre system
d.     Utang na loob

15.            Which course project will receive the priority level?
a.     Education
b.     Engineering
c.      Vocational
d.     Non-formal

16.            What program will help to improve educational-outcome for the             elementary education?
a.     The comprehensive 10-Year Department Program for the Elementary education.
b.     The Continuous Progress Scheme
c.      The Value-Oriented elementary program
d.     The Each-One-Teach-One Approach

17.            Which bureau of DECS takes care of non-formal education?
a.     Adult-out-of-school
b.     Bureau of Non-Formal Education
c.      Barangay Centers
d.     Bureaus of Vocational and Technical Education (BTVE)

18.            Which agency monitors the program of courses of colleges and             universities?
a.     Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
b.     Bureau of Secondary Education
c.      Bureau of Child and Youth Welfare
d.     Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE)

19.            For greater skill training outreach, what will be developed?
a.     Apprenticeship program of private industries
b.     Mobile training units
c.      Tutorial units
d.     Each-one-teach-one approach

20.            To systematize and facilitate information storage for reading references,             what will be introduced?
a.     Electronic data processing
b.     Mechanized teaching will be introduced
c.      In-school-out school program
d.     PRODED

Part II. Professional Education
B. Principles and Methods of Teaching and the Learning Process – Contemporary Principles, New Thrusts and Methods of teaching and the Learning Process
1.                 B
2.                 A
3.                 C
4.                 D
5.                 D
6.                 D
7.                 A
8.                 A
9.                 D
10.            D
11.            A
12.            C
13.            A
14.            B
15.            B
16.            A
17.            B
18.            A
19.            B
20.            A


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