Part II. Professional Education: A. Found Courses: Sociology, Philosophy, and General Psychology
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Part II. Professional Education:
A. Found Courses: Sociology, Philosophy, and General Psychology
Direction: For each below there are four or
five sentences A, B, C, D, E. these sentences, when properly arranged in
correct order, will make a well-organized paragraph. Read each sentence
carefully and choose which one should be the first sentence, the second, and
so on.
A. The teacher should know the relation of
biological sciences, the social sciences
and the humanistic discipline.
This knowledge places him in a position where he can relate anthropology with other sciences.
He can do an evaluative analysis of the government program.
And he will be able to analyze whether educational programs are geared towards the right
the above sentences are to be arranged in the best order, which should be:
1. A
the first in the paragraph?
2. D
the last in the paragraph?
3. B
the second in the paragraph?
4. C
the third in the paragraph?
Answers: A, B, C, D
A. Eventually, the dog salivated merely at
the sound of the bell as it had been
conditioned to correlate the bell with the food.
B. A bell is rung every time food was offered.
C. An unconditioned response takes place when the dog
salivates at the sight of
food; while, a conditioned response results when salivation takes place at the sound of the bell.
D. In the early 1900’s Ivan Pavlov, the Russian
psychologist conducted a series
of experiments with dogs to illustrate the principles of conditioned response type of learning.
If the preceding sentences are to be arranged in the
best order, which should be:
_____ the third statement in the
_____ the last statement in the
_____ the first statement in the
_____ the fourth statement in the
A. Through our sense organs information is
gathered about the world around
B. The eyes send a signal to the brain telling the
stimulus is present.
C. The brain then screens out the information so that
we are able to understand
D. Human beings perceive things through the help of the
following senses: tastes,
sight, touch, hearing, and smell.
E. When one sees a fire with his eyes, he perceives it.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the last in the paragraph?
A. Likewise, when we think of a test, we
are to take for what we are not ready
to take, and we feel a sense of defeat.
B. The other one is when information comes to us
through our senses.
C. Emotional reactions can be aroused in two separate
D. We hear a squeaky sound in a dark room, and we
become afraid.
E. One way of arousing reaction is by thoughts.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the third in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
4) _____
the first in the paragraph?
5) _____
the fifth in the paragraph?
A. Through psychoanalysis, and individual
can be made to remember his repressed
thoughts and feeling and later change his behavior to solve a problem.
He believed that one tends to suppress thoughts or memories that other people seem to disapprove
Psychoanalysis started with the work of Sigmund Freud, an Austrian doctor who explored the way the
human mind worked.
Freud believed that these repressed thoughts greatly affect a person’s behavior.
the above sentences are to be arranged in the best order, which should be:
1) _____
the last in the paragraph?
2) _____
the third in the paragraph?
3) _____
the first in the paragraph?
A. If a whale faces danger, it communicates
with other whales for help.
B. Whales can even work together to get over a
complicated job which one
what may fail to do.
C. Some animals act in very intelligent and
extraordinary ways.
D. they are capable of telling each other what to do
merely by talking to each
other in their language.
E. Whales can “talk” to each other by whistling and
clicking sounds.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the third in the paragraph?
2) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
3) _____
the second in the paragraph?
A. If the answer given the learner is
wrong, the information is taught again,
and then the question is repeated.
B. It utilizes one of several kinds of teaching
machines that provides a question
for the learner to answer.
C. In this way, the student is helped by giving him
another chance if he is wrong
in his first attempt.
D. Programmed learning is one new teaching method.
E. But if the answer is correct, another question is
given by the machine.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the third in the paragraph?
2) _____
the last in the paragraph?
3) _____
the second in the paragraph?
A. Suddenly the rain comes.
B. He makes preparations for it and is looking forward
to the occasion with
C. He disappointed and experiences displeasures.
D. Carlos is going to a party.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the third in the paragraph?
2) _____
the first in the paragraph?
3) _____
the last in the paragraph?
A. And the world passes away.
B. For all that is in the world is not of the Father,
but is of the world.
C. If any man had the world, the love of the Father is
not him.
D. But he who does the will of God abides forever.
e. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in
the worlsd.
Source: John 4: 31-34
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the second in the paragraph?
2) _____
the third in the paragraph?
3) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
A. Logic can help one think more clearly
B. Logic is the science of reasoning.
C. Fallacies are incorrect, unreasonable arguments, but
they can be persuasive
although they are not correct.
D. It can help one find or resist arguments, but they
can persuasive although they
are not correct.
E. It is a way of separating sound arguments form the
unsound ones.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the last in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
A. Surgery can be performed to a person
even without anesthetics thought
B. Not everyone can be hypnotized against his will.
C. Today, hypnotism is often used to help doctors and
dentists in their work.
D. A patient will not cooperate, though he is under
hypnosis, if he is made to
do something against his will.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the third in the paragraph?
A. Thereon you may dislike people with a
moustache and not know why.
B. For instance, in the past, you may have been hurt or
embarrassed by someone with
a moustache.
C. Unconsciousness thoughts are thoughts you are not
aware of which bring out
emotional reactions.
D. Thus, your hatred of bemoustached-people is
triggered by unconsciousness
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the first in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the third in the paragraph?
A. For thousands of years, people who had
mental illness were feared at or
B. But while
doctors were trying to help people with body illness, those people with mental illness were
not so luckily.
C. Mentally ill people then were punished for they were
regarded as witches and were
controlled by devil spirits.
D. Like all sorts of sicknesses of body, mental illness
has been plaguing man since
the beginning.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the second in the paragraph?
2) _____
the first in the paragraph?
3) _____
the last in the paragraph?
A. Educational psychologists are people who
study nature of learning.
B. Most psychologists agree that people learn faster if
they have some kind of
motivations to learn.
C. A high grade or a good pay is one kind of
D. Oftentimes, the satisfaction one gets from learning
is a kind of motivation.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the first in the paragraph?
A. There is a surge of anger within Carla.
B. Carla is all dressed-up for a party, waiting for her
escort to pick her up.
C. Her heart beats faster, blood rushes to her head as
she lifts her hand and
strikes her brother with her fist.
D. Suddenly, her young brother rushes in with a glass
of chocolate and bumps
against her, spilling of the contents of the glass on her new dress.
e. This is a sign of extreme anger.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the second in the paragraph?
2) _____
the last in the paragraph?
3) _____
the third in the paragraph?
4) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
A. For where your treasure is, there will
your heart be also.
B. “Lay not up yourselves treasure upon the earth where
moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal.”
C. You cannot serve God and mammon.
D. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where
neither moth nor rust doth
corrupt, and where thieves do not break through not steal.
E. No man can serve two master: for neither will he
hate the one, nor love the
other or love one, and despise the other.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the fifth in the paragraph?
2) _____
the first in the paragraph?
3) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
4) _____
the last in the paragraph?
A. Watch a child grabs his toy and pull it
toward him if he sees it. But when hidden under a blanket, the toy might not
be seen by the baby.
Reasoning is dependent on memory in that one remembers things from those he
drwas conclusions form.
A person’s ability to reason out develops and increases as he grows up in a
good environment.
This shows that a baby’s reasoning ability has not developed far enough for
him to figure out a way of getting back his toy.
Reasoning is the mental process of making conclusions from gathered facts and
observations that one has made.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the last in the paragraph?
A. Unlike those whose eyes are on-the sides
of their heads, such as the fishes, horses, and most insects, they see all of
their surroundings.
B. In the latter type, the fields of vision.
C. Each eye covers a different field of vision.
D. Animals’ differ in the way see things around.
E. Animals with eyes towards the front of their head,
like the men and predatory, birds, can only see about half of its
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the last in the paragraph?
2) _____
the third in the paragraph?
3) _____
the first in the paragraph?
A. The tears “wash” the irritating
B. Onion gives off a volatile substance when it’s
C. This volatile substance is irritating to the eyes.
D. have you noticed how onions make us cry without our
feeling sad at all?
E. We “cry” automatically in order to protect and
cleanse our eyes.
F. When the irritation reaches our eyes, they are
protected by the tears flow.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
2) _____
the second in the paragraph?
3) _____
the last in the paragraph?
A. He wanted to run but he could not move.
B. He was petrified and shivered with fear.
C. This is an instant paralyzing fear.
D. He wanted to shout for help but felt a constricting
band around his throat.
E. Juan, while taking a stroll in the rice fields, saw
unexpectedly a snake on his path, slithering toward him.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the last in the paragraph?
2) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
3) _____
the first in the paragraph?
A. In the desert, a person parched with
thirst, may see something glistering,
like a pool of water.
B. The mirage is caused by the rays of the sun striking
the sand and the refraction
of these rays.
C. This is optical illusion.
D. Illusion is a false perception where the imagination
gives to an object qualities
which do not really belong to it.
E. Take a thirsty traveler who rushes to a will
(mirage) and discovers that there
is no water in it.
If the above sentences
are to be arranged in the best order, which should be:
1) _____
the second in the paragraph?
2) _____
the fourth in the paragraph?
3) _____
the first in the paragraph?
A. For human beings, the gestation period
is more or less 280 days or nine months.
B. They are able to survive only when given special
care or placed in the incubator.
C. A full-term infant is one who is born when the
gestation is completed.
D. Premature babies are those before the full term of
their mother’s pregnancy.
E. At the termination of the nine months, the infant is
fully prepared to be outside
of his mother’s womb.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the first in the paragraph?
2) _____
the last in the paragraph?
3) _____
the third in the paragraph?
A. In case of earthquake keep calm.
B. After the main earthquake, stay away from unstable
C. Earthquake drill must be conducted in schools and
places of work.
D. Location of exits and entrances must be familiar to
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the last in the paragraph?
2) _____
the third in the paragraph?
3) _____
the first in the paragraph?
A. A new typhoon reclassification has been
given by PAGASA.
B. If any damage is found, turn off main switch or
C. Classes in elementary and secondary level are
automatically suspended when
Signal #3 is raised.
D. However, school heads can call off classes at any
time when flooding or any danger
in school area is eminent.
Arranging the above sentence in the best order to form
a good paragraph,
1) _____
the second in the paragraph?
2) _____
the third in the paragraph?
3) _____
the last in the paragraph?
A. Since falling objects cause injuries
place heavy objects in low places.
B. Know the locations of first aid and fire
C. Planning for action is key to effective disaster
D. When you are in tha topmost floor, stay put.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the last in the paragraph?
2) _____
the first in the paragraph?
3) _____
the second in the paragraph?
4) _____
the third in the paragraph?
A. Jesus is the role model.
B. Repentance and forgiveness are essential to
C. Practicing those virtues daily is difficult.
D. We need the divine help to do this.
If the above sentences are to be arranged in the best
order, which should be:
1) _____
the second in the paragraph?
2) _____
the last in the paragraph?
3) _____
the third in the paragraph?
Part II. Professional Education:
A. Found Courses: Sociology, Philosophy, and General Psychology
1) B A D E
2) B A C
3) B E A C D
4) B D C
5) A B D
6) E A B
7) A D C
8) B D E
9) A E C
10) D A B
11) C B D
12) A D B
13) D B A
14) D E A C
15) A B C A
16) A B D
17) C E D
18) C D F
19) C D F
20) A B D
21) A B E
22) B C A
23) C D B
24) A C B D
25) C D A
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